
HonorHealth – Donor Wall

HonorHealth Donor Recognition

HonorHealth wanted to do more than put names on a board. They wanted to to tell their story with interactive screens and allow visitors to explore and learn more about donors.

Board of Trust HonorHealth – Donor Wall
Norvision-HonorHealth – Donor Wall
special Event HonorHealth – Donor Wall
Employee Campaign HonorHealth – Donor Wall

Customized Levels of Recognition

Create an unlimited number of levels for recognition. Used video and sound to tell the story of the foundation.

Easy End-User Navigation

Large touch-enabled screens allow visitors to select specific sections or people and their recognition.

Simple Real-Time Updating

Norvision’s administrative portal allows HonorHealth management to make changes quickly and easily.

Robust Technology Platform

Norvision deploys the solution to all facilities in the HonorHealth network using large screens at key location.

Norvision offered Halle Heart a complete solution:

  • Project Management
  • System Design
  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Training
  • Ongoing Support and Maintenance
  • Expertise in ADA Compliance requirements

Many healthcare organizations rely on the selfless generosity of others to provide services and facilities that make our communities better. When donors contribute time and financial, they deserve unique recognition as a public show of gratitude. Digital donor recognition offers organizations a solution that can be a reflection of the organization and provide recognition to those who so richly deserve it.